The Car Buyer » Buying a vehicle from a company

Buying a vehicle from a company

Buying a vehicle from a company.

Buying a vehicle from a company or business can be a little frustrating, most of the time you are dealing with someone that has been assigned to sell the vehicle or to receive offers. This person then reports to someone else for a decision to be made but he or she is not necessarily the person you need to be speaking too.

Keep In mind that you are buying a car from a legal entity and not a natural person, this legal entity cannot sign, speak or decide for itself, naturally you would think the person entitled to sign or represent the company is the owner, CEO or manager but this is not the case.

A company would have an assigned proxy to handle all paperwork at the traffic department.
The proxy can also assign a representative with the same authority.  The person you are dealing with might not know that a proxy even exists so as them who the person is that renews the licenses of the vehicles. Unless they are renewing their vehicles with the license notice letter, it is only the proxy or representative that can renew the license or handle transaction on behalf of the company.

If you are buying a vehicle registered to a company you need the proxies ID, signed NCO form and companies CK documents. For peace of mind, take a copy of the traffic register certificate and proof of address for the company.

To add an extra layer of inconvenience, the proxy might be unavailable or in different province altogether, in this case the proxy needs to authorize a local representative to sign on his behalf.

So, assuming the worst,

  • They don’t know who the proxy is
    • Ask them to guess, take the name and ID number of the person they think is the proxy and find out by the traffic department or query telephonically, in most cases the official at the traffic department wont give you the information freely but if you have some information for them, them might be inclined to give you a surname at least.
  • If the proxy is unavailable
    • Let them write a letter of permission authorizing another available employee/staff member to sign on his behalf, both proxy and the newly assigned representative must have their full names and ID numbers on this letter of authorization.
    • Let the authorized staff member sign on the NCO (yellow form) and on your agreement of sale/invoice
    • Take a copy of the companies CK document
    • Take a copy of the proxies ID
    • Take a copy of the assigned representative - 2024